Home Cronaca Imane Fadil, pm a obitorio: “Non farla vedere a nessuno”

Imane Fadil, pm a obitorio: “Non farla vedere a nessuno”

This picture taken with a smartphone shows Moroccan model Iman Fadil waiting for the sentence on the last session of the trail of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for having sex with an underage prostitute and abuse of office at a Milan courthouse on July 19, 2013. A Milan court on July 19 found three of Silvio Berlusconi's associates guilty of procuring prostitutes for racy parties held at the former Italian premier's Milan villa. ANSA/STEFANO PORTA

“Non farla vedere a nessuno”. Questa la scritta a mano che compare sul fascicolo dell’obitorio di Milano dove si trova il corpo di Imane Fadil, una delle testi chiave del processo Ruby, morta il primo marzo.


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